Performance Optimization > CFO Management
The issues of handling business expansion or growth were eventually faced by all successful small business at the time of their establishment. Business expansion is that stage of a company's life which is full of both opportunities and risks. On one hand, business growth often carries with it a corresponding increment in financial fortunes for owners and employees alike.
Growth causes a variety of changes like managerial, legal, and financial changes. Growth means that market share will expand, calling for new strategies for dealing with larger competitors. Growth also means that additional capital will be needed, creating new obligations for shareholders, investors, and institutional lenders. Hence, growth brings with it variety of changes in the structure, requirements, and objectives of company.
- EARLY START – UP PHASE: - This is the preliminary phase where a CFO takes charge of your internal processes and internal controls. He understands the way your business works and provides you valuable service in arrangement of cash by offering banking and lending services. He also fine tunes your business by providing financial strategy services. CFO also helps in improving your processes which in turn improves your working culture and helps to make optimum utilization of your resources.
- GROWTH PHASE: - Growth is the most important driver that requires SME's and companies to work in an efficient and effective manner. We will provide you guidance to grow in the right directions with optimum arrangement of funds & by providing you services such as profit maximization, expense reduction. We shall provide you assistance in allocating your resources in effective & efficient manner, identifying your areas of improvement and help you improving the same. CFO shall also advice in taking decisions regarding mergers and acquisitions.
- TURNAROUND PHASE: - Start-up phase represents evolution in the role of CFO, and turnaround phase is a revolution. The CFO has to undergo in depth verification to make vital decisions. The CFO has great challenges as they have to focus on making modifications where businesses are failing to produce acceptable returns. He also helps in restructuring of debts of the company and providing working capital assistance.
As a CFO of a large company you may face challenges of executing various assignments that require not just another consultant, but someone who can understand your pains and can execute various projects, with leadership skills.
- SAVE ON THE INFRASTRUCTURE COST: - Infrastructure costs in India form substantial part of the total operating cost of an organisation. Since the accounting and finance teams would be working from NMA's location, the Company would be able to save substantial overheads. We would also be able to save our burden of changing or maintaining infrastructure.
- SAVE ON THE BONUS / OTHER COMPULSORY LABOUR COSTS: - Your Company would be able to save the compulsory labour costs, be it in the nature of bonus or other social security benefits.
- SAVE ON THE EMPLOYEE TURNOVER: - The team involved in finance functions would be managed by NMA, helping you save on the attrition related costs and avoid any loss of work.
- CONCENTRATE MORE ON YOUR CORE BUSINESS: - Your organization will be free to concentrate on the core business. By outsourcing all your non-core functions, your employees can be put to optimal productive use leading to increased efficiency and growth rate in your core business.
- GET ACCESS TO SPECIALIZED SERVICES: - MJA teams specialize in managing finance functions with limited intervention from organization's side.
- FINANCIAL TOOLS INVOLVE METHODS IN WHICH TO: - Improve the timeliness and accuracy of your financial statements, and Maximize profits, cash flow, and working capital. Armed with this type of information regularly, imagine what your growth possibilities could be
What Manoj Jagram & Associates Offers
We have been CFOs for several Indian and Foreign companies. Our clients include Japanese, American, Canadian and Australian Companies that have engaged our services for entering India.
We have rendered the full suite of services to these companies from Incorporation to registration services to Payroll processing, Accounting and Reporting. Why are our services in demand? Factors include timely and professional services that are helping the company to save costs.
Imagine one of the key prospects of your business being handled by an experienced Chief Financial Officer for a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee. Our outsourced CFO services can be hired on a part time basis, but the skill-sets we bring to the table are the equivalent of you hiring a highly experienced in-house CFO. You can depend on your Outsourced CFO to provide you with the financial tools you need for effective management of your business.
Manoj Jagram & Associates offers support services to CFO's of large companies, which permits them to focus on bigger and more strategic concerns. Our Outsourced CFO controllership services assists new foreign small and medium size corporate in planning and organising their finance and other resources efficiently at best affordable prices of Finance Manager. Some of our services include:
- We provide assistance to MNC, coming to India in strategic planning and management of their affairs as temporary CFO/CEO India during initial set up as per requirement.
- Complete establishment with all legal compliances and all level recruitments as per client's requirement, one year's initial special set up services including contracts/agreements with venders as per requirement of client.
- We assist foreign corporate in CEO/CFO/Directors/ Sr. Top executive search and recruitments
- Our Outsourced CFO consulting services assist CFO/CEO/Directors abroad in all their planning and management functions and will keep in touch with clients regularly on daily, weekly basis as per requirement, we manage and deal with Banks and Financial Institutions in India on behalf of clients.
- Cash flow planning, fund flow planning, banking, etc.
- Budgeting, Profitability planning and analysis.
- Implementation of and maintenance of a good management accounting and reporting system
- Treasury Management, including investment of surplus funds.
- Complete handling of accounting and statutory needs.
- Assistance in the preparation of Business Plans, Project Reports, etc.
- Complete handling of direct and indirect taxation.
- Assistance in choosing the right transfer pricing model and the related issues
- Co-ordination with the external statutory auditors
- Assistance in handling critical issues related to tax and statutory compliance
- Periodical reporting in the customers' internal formats including on SAP platform
- Developing and maintaining relationships with investors and other stakeholders.
- Maintaining reporting relationship with the CEO / global CFO
- Our services are found to be very effective by many companies, in which the critical finance function is handled by one of the promoters / Directors. By handling this critical function, we enable our customers and especially the promoters/directors save significant time and energy, which can be better utilized in their businesses.
- We strive to be our customers' Chief Profit Officers (‘CPOs'), while discharging our function as their Chief Financial Officers (‘CFOs')
- Financial arrangement and management as CFO.
- Authorised signatories facilities can be rendered to facilitate clients business in India.
- Strategic growth plan and assistance in implementation for desired results.
- Assistance in getting senior professionals - Full time/part time CFO/CEO in India.
- Assists International accounting Firms / financial consultants /project consultants, Bankers as CFO/CEO in India on behalf of their clients in India.
- Assistance in External commercial borrowings (ECB) from foreign Bankers/Financial Institutions/Private sources.
- Foreign Investors looking for financial / Technical joint-ventures in India in IT and Non IT corporate may write for joint-ventures, partner
- Search, Due diligence,
- Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) consultants ,compliances, documentation for American corporate in India
As an entrepreneur, in order to manage your growing business, you require a strategic partner to lead & manage fund raising, financial reporting, budgeting, monitoring cash flows, contract negotiations, implementing systems & controls, compliances, BOD & Investor reporting and to strengthen your finance & accounting team.
MJA offers Virtual CFO services, wherein, similar to a full-time CFO, MJA acts as your company's CFO, except for not being your full-time employee. He may not be on-site, but is always available. In certain situations, MJA carries your company's visiting card, as an integral team member, when interacting with your clients, vendors and bankers.
Depending on the size and the growth stage of your company, we provide a flexible engagement model, enabling you to increase/decrease engagement levels, thereby giving you the opportunity of having the best CFO talent assisting you on the basis of your requirements. Our ongoing Virtual CFO retainer engagements can be as low as 2 hours a week and can go as high as 35 hours a week. This flexible engagement model also helps you to keep your CFO costs variable and low.
We must state that all our CFO's have rich work expertise and in most cases they act as good mentors to our client companies.
Many a times, companies need someone to instantaneously takeover the responsibilities as their CFO. This could happen in either of the following situations:-
- The current CFO has suddenly quit Or
- The current CFO is sick and will be on a long leave Or
- The company requires a senior professional, with CFO expertise, to handle a specific project such as implementing a new ERP System or negotiating with lenders & investors.
In such a scenario, you could either engage a head-hunting firm and spend loads of cash, as search fees and signing bonuses to the new candidate, and still wait at least for about 3 months (on an average) until the new recruit starts working for your company and not do anything until then or Engage a CFO from MJA team, as your Interim CFO.
- Due to multiple ongoing projects Or
- Unavailability of adequate CFO time Or
- Limitation in management bandwidth, it becomes tough for companies to implement special projects. Our Special Purpose CFO steps-in and works with your existing senior management team, including your CFO, in executing these special projects with excellence.
- Assessment of assignment in terms of understanding brief, scope and time that will be required.
- Arriving at clear cut deliverables.
- Proposal detailing, deliverables, scope of work, proposed schedule, time frame, assumptions, critical factors and quotation for assignment.
- Contract / Sign off.
- Weekly / Periodic reviews with client.
- Preparing periodic reports.
- Submission of draft report / basic work completion.
- Review with client.
- Fine tuning analysis and conclusion.
- Submission of report.
For more information about MJA CFO Services, please contact:; /