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Manoj Jagram & Associates

Manoj Jagram & Associates

Chartered Accountants

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Consulting Services

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was established on April 1, 1935 in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The Central Office of the Reserve Bank is in Mumbai since 1937. Though originally privately owned, since nationalization in 1949, the Reserve Bank is fully owned by the Government of India.

Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor and four Deputy Governors, one Government official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give representation to important elements in the economic life of the country, and four nominated Directors by the Central Government to represent the four local Boards with the headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi. Local Boards consist of five members each Central Government appointed for a term of four years to represent territorial and economic interests and the interests of co-operative and indigenous banks.

As supreme banking authority in the country, the Reserve Bank of India, therefore, has the following powers:

  • It controls the credit operations of banks through quantitative and qualitative controls.
  • It acts as the lender of the last resort by providing rediscount facilities to scheduled banks.
  • It controls the banking system through the system of licensing, inspection and calling for information.
  • It holds the cash reserves of all the scheduled banks.

The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 was commenced on April 1, 1935. The Act, 1934 (II of 1934) provides the statutory basis of the functioning of the Bank. The Bank was constituted for the need of following:

  • To maintain reserves with a view to securing monetary stability and
  • To regulate the issue of banknotes
  • To operate the credit and currency system of the country to its advantage.


The Reserve Bank of India Act of 1934 entrust all the important functions of a central bank the Reserve Bank of India.

  • Banker to government
  • Bank of issue
  • Bankers' bank and lender of the last resort
  • Controller of credit
  • Custodian of foreign reserves
  • Supervisory functions
  • Promotional functions


The functions which are monetary also called as the central banking functions of the RBI relates to control and regulation of money and credit, i.e., control of bank credit, controls, issue of currency of F.E.(foreign exchange) operations, banker to the govt.(Government) and to the money market. Monetary functions of the RBI are most significant part as they are controlling and regulating the volume of money and credit in the country.

Equally important, however, are the non-monetary functions of the RBI in the context of India's economic backwardness. The supervisory function of the RBI may be regarded as a non-monetary function (though many consider this a monetary function). The promotion of sound banking in India is an important goal of the RBI, the RBI has been given wide and drastic powers, under the Banking Regulation Act of 1949 - these powers relate to licensing of banks, branch expansion, liquidity of their assets, management and methods of working, inspection, amalgamation, reconstruction and liquidation. Under the RBI's supervision and inspection, the working of banks has greatly improved. Commercial banks have developed into financially and operationally sound and viable units. The RBI's powers is to supervise have now been increased to non-banking financial intermediaries. Since independence, particularly after its nationalization 1949, the RBI has followed the promotional functions vigorously and has been responsible for strong financial support to industrial and agricultural development in the country.

  • To ensure a monetary and interest rate environment that accords high priority to price stability, well-anchored inflation expectations and orderly conditions in financial markets while being conducive to continuation of the growth momentum.
  • Formulates implements and monitors the monetary policy.
  • Objective-maintaining price stability and ensuring adequate flow of credit to productive sectors
  • To respond swiftly on a continuing basis to the evolving constellation of adverse international developments and to the domestic situation impinging on inflation expectations, financial stability and growth momentum, with both conventional and unconventional measures, as appropriate.
  • To emphasize credit quality as well as credit delivery, in particular, for employment-intensive sectors, while pursuing financial inclusion.
  • To represent territorial and suggest the CB (central board) on local matters and economic interests that is of local cooperative and indigenous banks; to perform such other functions as delegated by CB(Central Board) at regular intervals
  • Authorisation/ refusal of authorisation of/to payment systems.
  • To lay down policies for encouraging the movement from paper-based payment systems to electronic modes of payments.
  • Setting up of the regulatory framework of newer payment ways.
  • Enhancement of customer convenience in payment systems.
  • Improving security and efficiency in paper-based and electronic ways of payment


  • It is all about attitude and approach
  • Legal compliance helps business to remain on
  • Biggest beneficiary is Business itself
  • Compliance is a business enabler and not a burden!
  • Other stakeholders and society also benefit
  • Track and focus on business!
  • Building up reputation for Corporate India

Consequences of non-compliance of RBI related compliance are stiff. Failure to comply with the statutory requirements of RBI can result in fines, penalties, and in the most extreme cases, imprisonment for the company, Directors and/or the officer-in-charge of the Company.

What Manoj Jagram & Associates Offers

We have carved a niche as one of the prime RBI Consultants based in New Delhi. The company provides complete guidance to the clients that are related to Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment, Acquisition and Transfer of Indian Immovable Property, Acquisition and Transfer of shares of Indian Company and so on. Backed by a highly qualified team, we strive hard to assist the clients in the best possible way we can.

We are engaged in offering:


  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Foreign Portfolio Investment
  • Acquisition and Transfer of Indian Immovable Property
  • Allotment of Shares to non residents
  • Allotment of shares at premium to non-residents
  • Transfer of shares from Indian resident to non-residents.
  • Assisting foreign clients in complying with the RBI regulations for Wholly Owned subsidiaries, Opening and operating of Branch and Liaison offices, Project Offices etc
  • Foreign Technology Transfer Agreements in India
  • Incorporation of company in India by NRI
  • Compliance of the procedure including chartered Accountants Certification for repatriation of income/assets from India
  • Making applications to Reserve Bank of India for purchase/sale of shares, debentures & securities and directly to and from Residents in India and outside India.
  • Making application to Reserve Bank of India for purchase/sale of residential and commercial property including renting out of property.
  • Setting up Partnership / Partnership by NRI'S or persons of Indian origin.


  • Filling Forms and Disclosures for regular Compliances.
  • Submission of returns and timely disclosures.


  • Registration of companies as Non Banking Financial Companies NBFCs with the Reserve Bank of India.
  • Turnkey Compliance Services to existing NBFCs
  • Appeals to the Appellate Authority against rejection of NBFC Applications by the RBI

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